
Wednesday 10 April 2019


For the first term in science, it has been a good time in class learning about different things throughout the weeks.We first learnt about the rules in a science laboratory to keep us safe, especially when working with different chemicals. Also, learning the different equipment we use.

Image result for earth's layers
Science Safety Rules:
Don't put your bag anywhere but under the table
Don't eat or drink 
Don't play or run 
Tie up your hair when it is long or out

 Then we learnt about the Earths Layers. There are crust, mantle, inner core and the outer core. We had to find and learn how hot or cold the layers are, the thickness and what it is made of. 

Image result for volcano diagramWhen we have finished learning about it, we moved onto learning about volcanoes and there eruptions. Even we had a experiment using baking soda, food colouring and vinegar. Also, the plates and the plate boundary like the transform boundary, convergent boundary and lastly the divergent boundary.    

I enjoyed finding out new information that you didn't know in Science.